Services and Pricing

4-Way Adjustable Combs $250
Soft Top Combs $150
4-Way Adjustable Pad Plates $75
Pad Plate Installation $75
Adjustable Length of Pull w/ Adjustable Pad Plate     $150
Trigger Job (Over/Under) $100
Trigger Job Single Barrel $75
Recoil Pad Installation
(Pachmayr or Kick-EEZ)
Cut & Install Recoil Pad
(Pachmayr or Kick-EEZ)
White, Orange & Red Front Beads $25
K-80 Annual Service $395
Extended Choke Tubes
(Browning, Beretta, Remington, Kreighoff, Perazzi)
Cutts/Kolar Compensator Choke Tubes $50
CRV Grip Weight w/ installation $175
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